About Lorica Health


Lorica Health


Lorica Health provides advanced claims analytics solutions and services to the healthcare sector.

Our specialist team of data scientists, domain experts, analysts and engineers develop industry specific solutions which target fraud, abuse and waste, while also making markets that improve the quality and safety of health care. We serve over 40 private and public health sector clients in Australia.

HIBIS analyses more than two thirds of Australia’s private health insurance claims for 30 of Australia’s 33 private health insurers, enabling the automatic detection and management of health claims leakage, inclusive of fraud, abuse and errors.

For clients interested in outsourcing their compliance function, Lorica’s Recoveries Practice and Audit practice provides expertly trained health information managers to support a full spectrum of claims compliance requirements.

Our I+PLUS analytics platform is a health claims analytics tool which offers rich and responsive performance analytics in support of bench marking, contracting and management of health service delivery.

The NeMo negotiation analytics module, is our most recent software release and supports payer-provider negotiations with dashboards, pricing models and performance metrics served in a responsive, drill down interface.

Lorica Health was first established in 2011 as CMC Insurance Solutions, a commercial spin off of research conducted the Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC), a $100 million funded research and development centre founded in 2001. CMCRC played a central role in the development and commercialisation of SMARTS, a world-leading surveillance solution used by financial markets regulators, exchanges and brokers across 40 countries and acquired by NASDAQ in 2010.


CALL:1-800-LORICA or 1800 576 422



Claims Leakage and Fraud Forum dates:
29 – 30 November 2016

Platinum Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor