Private Healthcare Australia (PHA) is the Australian private health insurance industry’s peak representative body that currently has 22 registered health funds throughout Australia and collectively represents over 98% of people covered by private health insurance. PHA member funds today provide healthcare benefits for over 14.76 million Australians.

Private health insurance is provided through organisations registered under the Private Health Insurance Act 2007. The financial performance of registered health funds is monitored by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), an independent Australian Government body, to ensure solvency and capital adequacy requirements are met.

All members of Private Healthcare Australia are registered as health benefits organisations with the Commonwealth Government and comply with Government standards and regulations on benefits and solvency.

Our History

21 April 1971

Voluntary Health Insurance Association of Australia Ltd (VHIAA) was formed.

2 December 1986

VHIAA was incorporated.

November 1991

VHIAA changed its name to the Australian Health Insurance Association Ltd (AHIA) and amended its articles to allow all non-government health funds to take out a membership.

October 2011

AHIA changed its name to Private Healthcare Australia (PHA).