
Day 1: Tuesday 29th November 2016

Start End Topic Speaker
8:30am 8:50am Registration 
8:50am 9:00am Welcome Mr Steven Fanner, Private Healthcare Australia
9:00am 10:00am Fraud in Australia: Dimensions, Trends & Prevention Professor Tim Prenzler, Professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast and an Adjunct Professor at Griffith University
10:00am 11:00am Utilising peer review for appropriate ancillary care and cost containment Mr Paul Coburn, Clinical Lead – Allied Health, Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and WorkSafe Victoria
11:00am 11:15am Morning Tea
11:15am 11:45am Data Driven Compliance Ms Christine Godkin, Health Information Manager, Lorica Health
11:45am 12:45pm Medicare Compliance Program Ms Chris Jeacle, Assistant Secretary, Health Compliance Branch
12:45pm 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm 2:15pm AHPRA – What is the process for Boards and suspected Fraud Mr Matthew Hardy, National Director, Notification, AHPRA
2:15pm 3:00pm Introduction to cloud computing and factors senior managers need to consider when considering migrating to the cloud (including a discussion on incident response in the event of a fraud). This will cover evidence location and collection including legal and technical barriers. Dr Graeme Edwards, Director of Cyber Consultancies Pty Ltd
3:00pm 3:30pm Afternoon Tea
3:30pm 4:30pm Social media – overview Mr Tony Bennett, Investigative Researcher & Head of Training, Qwarie Ltd


Day 1: Tuesday 29th November 2016 (Gala Dinner)

Start End What Where
6:30pm 7:00pm Pre-dinner drinks and canapes served on the terrace
7:00pm Late Dinner with entertainment


Day 2: Wednesday 30th November 2016

Start End Topic Speaker
9:00am 10:00am Social media – skills session Mr Tony Bennett, Investigative Researcher & Head of Training, Qwarie Ltd
10:00am 11:00am Cloud computing and how it is different for front line users. Followed by a 40 minute workshop involving incident response to a real life fraud event highlighting the requirements to have a pre-prepared incident response plan. Dr Graeme Edwards, Director of Cyber Consultancies Pty Ltd
11:00am 11:30am Morning Tea
11:30am 12:30pm Getting your money back without going to the police Mr Andrew Tragardh, Barrister
12:30pm 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm 2:15pm Financial Fraud in the Private Health Insurance Sector Dr Kathryn Flynn, Honorary Research Fellow in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts at the University of Wollongong
2:15pm 3:00pm What happens post lodging a Police Brief Julie Witham, Detective Senior Constable, Investigator Fraud and Cyber Crime Unit, Queensland Police Service
3:00pm 3:30pm Afternoon Tea
3:30pm 3:40pm PHI Reform Dr Rachel David, CEO Private Healthcare Australia
3:40pm 4:40pm Privacy and sharing implications – NIB Whitecoat Portal Mr Justin Vaughan, Group Executive Benefits and Provider, nib health funds
Conference Close

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