Media Releases

Vaping lands 178 people in hospital including children

The latest data from Private Healthcare Australia – the peak body for health insurers – reveals seven children aged under 15 were hospitalised due to a vaping related disorder or injury since 2020, including a two-year-old. Another 19 young people aged 15 – 24 required hospital treatment connected to vaping. The average time spent in hospital was 5.6 days.

Consumers urged to be cautious about spinal cord stimulators for pain

CEO of Private Healthcare Australia Dr Rachel David said a survey of consumers published today by Pain Australia should be interpreted with extreme caution because it was commissioned and fully funded by the Neuromodulation Society of Australia – a group representing the providers of spinal cord stimulators.

Health insurance premiums must rise to cover inflation and soaring use of hospital services

Inflation and soaring use of private healthcare will affect the cost of health insurance over the next year, but health funds are doing everything they can to keep premiums as low as possible for Australians.

Private Healthcare Australia CEO Dr Rachel David said health funds’ submissions to Government to increase health insurance premiums for 2024 reflect inflation, record claims over the past year, and essential costs such as IT upgrades to combat the ever-growing threat of cyber-attacks.

Record PHI membership, record claims and the risk of higher premiums

More Australians than ever before are relying on private health insurance for their healthcare needs. Timely access to surgery, mental health treatment, and flexible, convenient care options has seen more than one million Australians sign up since January 2020 and the latest APRA data shows that almost 14.7 million people (55.1% of the population) now have private health cover.