About Soul Machines
Soul Machines

Soul Machines is a deep science and technology company fusing AI, computational brain models and experiential learning to usher in a new era of Human Experience across all digital platforms and interfaces. We are first applying our innovations to redefine customer and brand experience – through digital interfaces and applications ranging from service and support to sales and product. In the process we’ve created the world’s most human digital beings.

Leading innovators and brands are using Soul Machines™ AI HX™ Platform to create, deploy and manage new forms of digital interfaces that operate independently. They are driving the shift from transmission to interaction. From content to compelling communications and powerful emotional connections.

Our revolutionary AI HX™ Platform consists of Soul Machines Digital DNA Studio for creating and personalising hyper-real interfaces rapidly and at scale. Our Soul Engine™ integrates deep AI, computational brain models and Experiential Learning to dynamically manage interfaces across all environments, infusing them with intelligence and your brand personality. SoulX™ provides the community, tools and services to deploy with development and brand partners.