Fibrin sealant medicines will continue to be funded by private health insurers

30 Oct 2024Media Releases

Fibrin sealant medicines will continue to be funded by private health insurers.

Suggestions in the media today that health funds will not pay for fibrin sealant medicines from 1 November in private hospitals are completely false.

All health funds will be supporting the use of these medicines in future. There is no need for patients to be concerned about accessing these medicines if they require them in future.

Fibrin sealants are medicines used to stop bleeding and help wounds heal.

In October, the Department of Health and Aged Care changed how these medicines will be funded from November 1 as part of its reforms to the Prescribed List of Medical Devices and Human Tissue Products.

You can read more about its decision here. During the Department of Health and Aged Care’s consultation about this change, health funds made it clear they would support access to these valuable medicines for their members receiving healthcare in hospitals.


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Media contact: Julia Medew, 0402 011 438 or Andrea Petrie, 0412 655 264

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