11th October 2013


Due to the popularity of the Claims Leakage and Fraud Forum, the organising committee have decided to run a workshop in 2013, with a full forum to be held again in 2014. This year the workshop will be held on the 11th October 2013 in Melbourne at:
OAKS_logo Oaks on Market

60 Market St
Melbourne, VIC, 3000


The focus of this workshop is:
  • Dental
  • Employee and Member Fraud
  • Optical
  • Online transactions
To present these topics, the organising committee has sourced experts both internal and external to the Private Health Insurance industry.


The Draft Program is:


Start End Session title Speaker
9am 9:10am Opening Keith Joyce
9:10am 10:40am Dental Expert on Innapropriate Practices Mark Dyer
10:40am 11am Morning Tea
11am 12:30am Dental Charting Julie Heit
12:30am 1:15pm Lunch
1:15pm 2:15pm Employee and Member Fraud Greg Wharfe
2:15pm 3pm Optical Panel Genevieve Quilty (AOA)
Peter Larsen
David Southgate
3pm 3:15pm Afternoon Tea
3:15pm 4:20pm Online Transactions Best Practice Keith Joyce


Please note: This program will be updated as speakers are confirmed.


The cost of this event is only $250. Numbers are limited due to the size of the venue, please register below to secure your place at the workshop.
Registrations Close: 30 September 2013