Private Healthcare Australia, formerly known as the Australian Health Insurance Association, is the Australian private health insurance industry’s peak representative body that represents 22 health funds throughout Australia and collectively covers 98% of the private health insurance industry. Private Healthcare Australia member funds today provide healthcare benefits for over 14.5 million Australians.

Private Healthcare Australia had its origins on 21 April 1971 when health funds met in Canberra to form the Voluntary Health Insurance Association of Australia Ltd. VHIAA was incorporated on 2 December 1986, taking over the role, functions and assets of the previously unincorporated body which itself represented an industry Association combining the interests of “open” Health Funds and Friendly Societies in health insurance.

In November 1991 VHIAA changed its name to the Australian Health Insurance Association Limited (AHIA) and amended its articles to allow all non-government health funds to take out membership. In October 2011, AHIA changed its name to Private Healthcare Australia.

Private Healthcare Australia currently has 22 nationally registered member organisations, which collectively represents 98 percent of persons covered by private health insurance.

The principal objective of Private Healthcare Australia is to advance the interests of its members and their contributors at every opportunity in relations with governments, the media, and other organisations involved in the health care field.

It also provides an information and advisory service in relation to issues affecting health financing and maintains, on an industry basis, ongoing relationships with other professional groups and industry associations.

The role and objectives of Private Healthcare Australia are:

– To foster and promote the principles, practice, development and philosophy of voluntary health insurance;

– To make representations and submissions where deemed necessary or desirable to the appropriate persons or authorities in respect of any matter affecting the interests of members

– To provide a medium through which opinions of members may be ascertained or expressed;

– To consult and liaise with relevant national, international and institutional authorities and agencies in Australia and overseas ;

– To maintain close cooperation with departments and agencies of the Government of Australia in order to be fully informed as to Government policies relating to voluntary health insurance;

– To encourage by such means as Private Healthcare Australia deems appropriate the interest and participation of the Australian public in the activities of Private Healthcare Australia and its members.

About Us has more information regarding Private Healthcare Australia.