High growth product groups on the Prostheses List

08 Dec 2021Policy & Research

This report highlights areas of the Prostheses List where there was high growth between 2019-20 and 2020-21. Changes to MBS service levels are the most common reason for a Prostheses List product group to experience high growth, as expected. However, there are several product groups where the correlation between the number of surgical episodes and the increasing use of medical devices is weak. These are the areas where individual doctors and their clinical societies may wish to consider reasons for the changes in practice to ensure patients’ needs are being met. There is a role for hospitals, funders and regulators to consider the feedback from the medical profession and adjust settings as required. This may include amending rules of service, adjusting prices for devices to modify the incentives, or promulgating and promoting best practice standards.

All Australians have a responsibility to ensure our health system is safe, high quality, effective and efficient. The data in this report should help inform the decisions of clinicians, hospitals, funders and regulators on the use of medical devices on the Prostheses List.

Prostheses List data report – high growth product groups 2019-20 to 2020-2021

Previous year’s report: Prostheses List data report – high growth product groups 2019-20 to 2020-2021